Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th October 2015: Bulgaria – Sofia

Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th October 2015: Bulgaria – Sofia

The city is located at a strategic crossroads. The route from Western Europe to Istanbul passes through Sofia via Beograd and Skopje, then through Plovdiv to Turkey. Sofia also connects The Near East and The Middle East, lying between the banks of The Danube and the shores of The White Sea on the one hand, and between The Black Sea and The Adriatic on the other.

Bulgarian food is tasty, fresh and hearty. Bulgaria is famous for its quality vegetables and dairy products and its variety of mild spices. Pork and chicken are the most common forms of meat, though fish and veal dishes are also popular and lamb has a special traditional place in Bulgarian cooking. From hearty salads through delicious pastries to grilled meat classics, here’s 7 Bulgarian dishes we absolutely must try!

After the tour with a friend, we’ll have a good dinner in an exclusive location with local people.

For any details send an e-mail or text on whatsapp. Prices can variate depending on the required service.


Daniele Gramisci

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