Saturday 25th June – Friday 1st July 2016: Italy – Favignana (3 or 6 nights)

Saturday 25th June – Friday 1st July 2016: Italy – Favignana (3 or 6 nights)

Favignana, which was called “the big butterfly on the sea” by the painter Salvatore Fiume in the 70’s, is the main and biggest Island of Egadi Archipelago.

The archipelago includes an area of high naturalenvironmental interest, in particular the underwater environment has a high biodiversity due to its particular geographical position and hydrological conditions. Moreover, the coastal and underwater geomorphology shows peculiar features deserving protection. The seabed morphology of the inner continental shelf is characterized by the presence of topographical highs and submarine valleys as the results of tectonics, Holocene eustatic sea-level changes, subaerial (during Holocene high stand phases) and marine erosion processes.

The submerged caves and other topographical features caused by intense erosion mechanisms following storms and strong seabed currents are one of the most peculiar aspects that characterise the coastal area and the seabed of Egadi Islands. Around the archipelago there are several submerged rocky outcrops and wave-cut terraces generally limited by faults, with almost vertical sides and shaped by hydrodynamics

Real works of art typical of this place are the Ipogei Gardens where fruit trees, planted in a cave, are surrounded by walls of tuff in order to protect them from the winds. The results seem to be a perfect union of tuff and nature.

Bike tour, trekking and sailing tour by local guide,  marine biology focus and…of course TRADITIONAL SICILIAN FOOD!

For any details send an e-mail or text on whatsapp. Prices can variate depending on the required service.


Daniele Gramisci

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